Mr. Saindon / United States History
Monday, January 13
Friday, January 17
What is Due This Week:
1. Wrap UP and Finish: Students will MEMORIZE the First Amendment and recite in class by on by Friday
2. Prepare for the Supreme Court Simulation with mock case: Ben Brewer v. Hamilton High School:
To shed light on the landmark case: Tinker vs. Des Moines. Debate will be Thursday and Friday. The expectations, rules, and requirements Will ALL BE COVERED IN CLASS
3. Wednesday to Friday we will Thoroughly Examine ( the Major Achievements of our First Three Presidents (this will all be completed in class):
George Washington
Federalist v. Anti Federalist
the first cabinet
Farewell Address
John Adams
Election friction
England v. France
Thomas Jefferson
Lewis and Clark
Agrarian society
Through the lesson plan on "Tinker v. Des Moines" and the Simulation, students will:
👉understand the concept of symbolic speech
👉analyze the Supreme Court's decision regarding student First Amendment rights in school
👉identify the key arguments from both sides of the case, and apply the precedent set in Tinker to contemporary scenarios where student expression might be restricted;
🤔ultimately allowing us all to critically evaluate the balance between student free speech and school authority to maintain order.
👉Simulate the development and presentation of a
Supreme Court argument
The First Amendment: Freedom of Expression Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The 13 Colonies
The First 'Permanent' English Settlement
Jamestown: The First Permanent English Colony
Unit Objectives Unit
1. To study historical documents in order to experience history as a dynamic discipline which studies, interprets, and debates the meaning of human artifacts and, through those, humanity’s collective past.
2. To explain how the hard times experienced by Jamestown settlers were the result of the peculiar mix of people who emigrated to Virginia, their inappropriate expectations, and their difficulties in adapting.
3. To understand the interaction between the early settlers of Jamestown and the native Americans.
4. To appreciate that human choices determine much of what happens to people and that these choices are subject to different interpretations.
√ How did Europeans explore and establish settlements in the Americas?
√ What drove the Europeans to settle new lands? and, What hardships did they encounter?
√ How were the English Colonies in North America similar and different?
√ Describe the events around the first two English attempts at establishing a settlement in North America.
√ What motivated people to move to The colonies
Chapter 3: The English Colonies in North America
Students will analyze sources about the voyage of the Pilgrims to America aboard the Mayflower, the writing of the Mayflower Compact, and the origin of Thanksgiving. These documents include a secondary source about the journey of the Mayflower as well as two primary sources: The Mayflower Compact (1620) and the letter by Edward Winslow (1621). Students will closely analyze these sources and use both textual evidence and visual representation of the text to draw their conclusions and present their understanding as directed in each lesson.
Interactive Notebook Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Life in the Colonies
What was life Really like in the colonies?
Click on the above picture to Read the Instructions on Creating a Colonial Booth
Interactive Notebook Chapter 4
Government in the Colonies
Our English Heritage
Click on the map to go to the "Colonial Times Project. -- Copy or Print this out
The Week of September 23 to September 27
Go to google classroom
Colonial BROCHURE (periods 4,5,and 7) Due Thursday
Colonial Commercial (periods 1,2,3) Due Thursday
Start: "Life in the Colonies"
Homework!!!!!! Due Thursday: Interactivity Notebook Lessons 3 and 4 (see agenda for details)
This week we will be able to:
Create a dramatic and humorous commercial (flipGrid video)or brochure, I will be able to convey my understanding of:
√What motivated people to settle in the colonies
√How they adapted to the land and made a living
√The religious beliefs of each colony and the role religion played
√What Life,History, Culture was like in each colony
Colonial Governmentt Power Point from Icivics
Colonial Government ROOTs Power Point
Government made educational Documentary on Colonial America (circa 1950). You will love the sound track and special effects...
Colonial America (55 minutes)
Listen & Learn and take notes as Freedom Middle School Teacher, Mr. Zoeller walks us through this important chapter
Craftsman of the Colonies.
Life in the Colonies
#1 The First Great Awakening. Well done documentary on a religious revival that became the foundation of America's revolutionary fervor, zeal and passion!!! Produced by Christian Broadcasting Network
The First Great Awakening -Learning Objectives:
After completing this lesson, I will be able to
Identify when and where the First Great Awakening took place
Explain the characteristics of religious belief associated with the First Great Awakening
Identify and discuss the ideas of Jonathan Edwards, one of the leading preachers associated with the First Great Awakening
Discuss how colonial Americans perceived the First Great Awakening and how it affected the lives of both colonial Americans and Native Americans.
Click on the above picture to find the reading on how the Great Awakening changed the way colonists thought about the world and how it changed attitudes in the colonies...which will eventually lead to the American Revolution.
So, the question will be: How did the First Great Awakening lead us in the direction of revolution and independence?